Tutorial – Welt pockets

You have your eye on the I AM Merlin coat. You should 😉 It’s shape is very flattering and it is fully lined and there’s enough ease to also wear a jumper underneath to keep you warm during you winter outings. The other important trick of Merlin to keep you warm, the one that we want to discuss today, is its welt pockets.

If you have never sewn welt pockets this pattern can seem a bit too much to take on at first. But believe us, you just have to take your time to do each step as precisely as possible and everything will be all and well.

As with any other sewing techniques you have to learn, make a sample test (or as many as you need) using the scrap of the fabrics you are using for your project to really understand how to make them. It might take a bit more time but it will help you in the long run.

Play the video below and follow each step to sew your welt pockets.

The pocket sewn for the tutorial is a sample to show the technique. This means the shape of the pockets are not the same shape as the ones on the pattern but the technique used for sewing it is the same. You can also use this video to understand how to sew the welt pockets of the I AM Panoramix trousers.

Here you go. It’s not so daunting after all, is it ? Don’t forget to share your make on social edia using the following tags: @iam_patterns, #iampatterns and #iammerlin.

I AM Patterns Lined Coat Merlin