The Michel hat and the Michelle scarf – complimentary patterns

To round off the I AM A Sailor collection we wanted to propose a hat and a scarf. Those 2 timeless models are made in a jiffy. You will love sewing them. Christmas is fast approaching; why not sew some for your loved ones. Sew them now and place them under the tree or in their stockings.

I AM Patterns Free sewing pattern Michel scarf

Information and preparation

Download the complimentary pattern for the I AM Michel hat and trace the pattern directly on the fabric for the I AM Michelle scarf. Seam allowances are included in the pattern. They are both one-size fits all and they are both made out of jersey. It is better to sew them using a serger but it’s also possible to sew it using a sewing machine.



Prepare the serger for a 4-thread overlock stitch (4 threads, using 2 needles). Adjust the settings to assemble the garment with a 3/16’’ seam allowance. In the sewing process, each time it is indicated to sew, it should be with this setting.

Note: it is better to prepare the work with clips rather than pins to avoid breaking the knife of the serger.


It is advised to assemble this pattern using a serger (see above) but it’s also possible to use a sewing machine. However, you’ll need to: – Add 3/16’’ seam allowance around each piece of pattern except for the lines on fold indicated with this symbol:

I AM Patterns Cut on fold symbol

– Change the needle for a ballpoint needle. – When indicated to sew, do it with a 3/8’’ seam allowance. – Reinforce each seam with a backstitch at the beginning and at the end.

The I AM Michel hat


Outside hat: 12’’ by 26’’ of light jersey for sweatshirt

Inside hat (lining): 12’’ by 26’’ of light jersey for sweatshirt


Download the complimentary pattern, print it and assemble it.

For each fabric, cut the pattern once on the fold. Fold the fabric in half, selvedge against selvedge and place the pattern on the fold. The symbol for the fold line on the pattern is:


1/ Start by sewing the piece that you cut for the outside hat. Fold the hat in half right sides together. Align one dart as indicated on the illustration below. Pin or clip in place and sew. Sew the other darts following the same instructions.

2/ Fold the outside hat in half, right sides together and align the sides as indicated on the illustration below. Pin or clip in place and sew the side.

3/ Sew the lining. Follow the instruction in step 1 to prepare the lining.

4/ Fold the lining in half, right sides together and align the long edge. Pin or clip in place and sew. Important make sure you leave a 2’’ opening on the straight line to be able to turn the hat right side out later.

5/ Place the hat and the lining right sides together and align them at the bottom. Pin or clip in place and sew the bottom.

6/ Turn the hat right side out using the opening on the lining. Press.

7/ Close the opening by hand using an invisible stitch.

THE I AM Michelle scarf


Scarf: 24’’ by 47’’ of light jersey for sweatshirt

Scarf lining: 24’’ by 47’’ of light jersey for sweatshirt


Cut 2 rectangles of 44 ½’’ by 10 ¼’’ in each of the fabric.


1/ Place the 2 pieces of the outside scarf light sides together and align one side. Clip or pin in place and sew. Press. Repeat the instructions to assemble the 2 pieces of lining.

I AM Patterns Free sewing pattern Michel scarf

2/ Place the scarf and the scarf lining right sides together and align all their edges. Pin or clip in place and sew all around. Make sure to leave a 8’’ opening.

3/ Turn the hat right side out using the opening on the lining. Press. Close the opening by hand using an invisible stitch.

Share your make

Your I AM Michel hat and I AM Michelle scarf are now finished. Share them on social media with @iam_patterns #iammichel#iammichelle #iampatterns

I AM Patterns Free sewing pattern Michel scarf

The I AM A SAILOR collection

Complete the look. Discover the patterns from the I AM A SAILOR collection.

Complete your outfit out of the I AM A Sailor collection with the Michel hat and the Michelle scraf.