I AM Cinderella blouse sew along

The I AM Cinderella sewing pattern has been designed for beginners in collaboration with  Cindy from @ledressingdecindy. We wanted to have a simple pattern that suit all body shapes.

It has a lot of ease and can be made as a blouse and as a dress and has 4 different sleeve finishes. In total I AM Cinderella can be made in 8 différent variations.

but the short sleeve blouse version (variation F) is the easiest one and that is why we decides to use this variation to make the sew along. Once you’d have sewn it in this version, it will be easier to make the other ones. For this version we used a soft viscose with a nice drape by Tissus 14 Avril which is perfect for a blouse with this volume.

Follow this step by step visual guide to sew the butterfly sleeved I AM Cinderella sweatshirt. We have put the written explications first and then below we added the picture to illustrate each step. We look forward to seeing your version of the sweatshirt on social media. Tag us with @iam_patterns, @ledressingdecindy and #iampatterns #iamcinderella

Preparing the pieces

Preparing the facing

Place the front facing and the back facing right sides together. Align the shoulders. Pin in place and sew at 3/8’’ (1 cm).

I AM Patterns Cinderella blouse sew along
I AM Patterns Cinderella blouse sew along

Finish the raw edges and press the seams towards the front. Finish the raw edge along the outer curve of the facing.

I AM Patterns Cinderella blouse sew along

Coudre les épaules

Place the front and the back right sides together. Align one shoulder. Pin in place and sew at 3/8’’ (1 cm).

I AM Patterns Cinderella blouse sew along
I AM Patterns Cinderella blouse sew along

Finish the raw edges and press the seam towards the back. Repeat for the other shoulder.

Sewing the neckline

Place the assembled facing and the neckline right sides together. Match up the center fronts, center backs and the shoulder seams. Thoroughly pin in place around the neckline to prevent it from stretching when sewing. Sew at 3/8’’ (1 cm).

I AM Patterns Cinderella blouse sew along

Notch into the curves to allow the seam to sit flat.

I AM Patterns Cinderella blouse sew along

Carefully clip the seam allowance of the center front V-shaped angle up to 1/16’’ (1 mm) from the seam.

I AM Patterns Cinderella blouse sew along

Turn right side out and press to ensure the facing stays inside the garment.

Open the seam again and looking at the wrong side, understitch the facing and the seam allowances together 1/8’’ (2 mm) from the first seam. Do not stitch on the garment. Therefore, the stitching only shows on the wrong side and not on the right side of the garment.

I AM Patterns Cinderella blouse sew along
I AM Patterns Cinderella blouse sew along
I AM Patterns Cinderella blouse sew along
I AM Patterns Cinderella blouse sew along
I AM Patterns Cinderella blouse sew along
I AM Patterns Cinderella blouse sew along

Hand stitch the facing at each of the shoulder seams to help maintain it inside.

I AM Patterns Cinderella blouse sew along

Sewing the shoulders

Sew a row of long length stitches on one sleeve cap between the notches, 5/16’’ (8 mm) from the raw edge.

I AM Patterns Cinderella blouse sew along

Finish the raw edge at the bottom of each sleeve.

I AM Patterns Cinderella blouse sew along

Place the sleeve and its corresponding armhole right sides together. Match up the notches and pin in place. Gently pull the thread tails until the sleeve cap and the armhole are the same length. Spread the ease out evenly between the notches. Pin in place all along the sleeve cap. Sew at 3/8’’ (1 cm).

I AM Patterns Cinderella blouse sew along
I AM Patterns Cinderella blouse sew along

Finish the seams. Repeat the steps to sew the second sleeve.

Sewing the side seams

Place the front and the back right sides together. On one side, pin along the side seam and the sleeve seam, neatly matching up the underarm seams. Sew at 3/8’’ (1 cm).

I AM Patterns Cinderella blouse sew along
I AM Patterns Cinderella blouse sew along

Finish the seam and press towards the back. Repeat to sew the other side seam.


Hemming the sleeves

Fold the bottom of each sleeve 3/8’’ (1 cm) towards the wrong side and press. Pin in place.

I AM Patterns Cinderella blouse sew along

Topstitch 5/16’’ (8 mm) all around.

I AM Patterns Cinderella blouse sew along

Hemming the bottom of the blouse

Finish the raw edges at the bottom of the garment.

I AM Patterns Cinderella blouse sew along

Fold the bottom of the garment 3/8” (1 cm) towards the wrong side and press. Pin in place.

I AM Patterns Cinderella blouse sew along

Topstitch along the bottom of the garment to hold the hem in place.

I AM Patterns Cinderella blouse sew along

That’s it. You’re I AM Cinderella blouse is finished. Don’t hesitate to sew any of the 7 other variations.

And if you do not have the I AM Cinderella pattern yet, discover it now.