The sewing machine of your dreams but better

I AM Patterns PFAFF_Quilt_Quilt Expression_4.2 sewing machine review banner

Imagine yourself with half day before you, without your partner, children or flatmates. You have dreamt about having a tête-a-tête with your sewing machine and it’s finally a reality.

It had not happened for months, but now, your dream day turns into a nightmare. The layers of the fabric are too thick and don’t move forward. The thread breaks whilst sewing and you don’t know why. The stitch skips occasionally. You try your best but you do not understand what is going on. In the end, you have not done half of the pretty dress you wanted and your tribe is already back home.

Does this sound familiar?

Now, imagine yourself alone with your sewing machine. You have switched it on and done your muslin. It is perfect. You are sewing quietly, with joy. Your sewing machine is silent, with all the layers of the fabric and you do not have to worry about anything. You jump from your sewing machine to the ironing board, from your ironing board to your pins, from your pins to your sewing machine. Within half a day, you have sewn your new dress. You have even had time to sew purse to go with it. If you had told me this 2 months ago, I would have replied that you were describing a scene in Cinderella before she leaves the ball.

The thing is that I have acquired a very special sewing machine. One that does everything for you. The sewing machine of your dreams, but even better: the PFAFF Quilt Expression 4.2.

I AM Patterns - machine à coudre PFAFF Quilt Expression 4.2 avis I AM Patterns

I often say that if you start sewing, it is better to have an electronic sewing machine that simplifies the work. This is why, for the sewing classes I give, I have equipped my sewing workshop with PFAFF Passport 3 (the first range of PFAFF electronic sewing machines).

However, I had never thought that as you become more of an expert in sewing, you would need a more high-end sewing machine. I have learned how to sew with industrial sewing machines and for me, all range of household sewing machines were similar. That was until I discovered the PFAFF Quilt Expression 4.2, at “Creations & Savoir-Faire”, Paris Arts & Crafts Show.

Out of curiosity, I tried it and it became an obsession: I needed this sewing machine. Indeed, this sewing machine sews as fast as an industrial one, as it has a knee-lift just like an industrial sewing machine. It allows me to sew many layers of thick fabric again, just like an industrial sewing machine. It is a very professional sewing machine.

I AM Patterns - machine à coudre PFAFF Quilt Expression 4.2 avis I AM Patterns

But even better, as industrial sewing machines only offer one stitch: the straight stitch.With the PFAFF Quilt Expression 4.2, you can use more than 250 stitches.

I AM Patterns PFAFF_Quilt_Quilt Expression_4.2 sewing machine review detail

Including 12 buttonholes, special stitches to sew jersey, many ways to overlock, you can use it for mending and for machine embroidery.

I AM Patterns PFAFF_Quilt_Quilt Expression_4.2 sewing machine review screen
I AM Patterns PFAFF_Quilt_Quilt Expression_4.2 sewing machine review stitches

Furthermore, it has over 47 ornamental quilt stitches. I thought I would never use all these stitches but on the contrary, within the last two months, I have finalised two darned trousers, some embroidered bibs, many different sewing buttonholes. Also, the advantage of a solid sewing machine, is that it embroiders well and fast without breaking neither the thread nor the needle.

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I AM Patterns PFAFF_Quilt_Quilt Expression_4.2 sewing machine review screen

In addition, the PFAFF Quilt Expression 4.2 sewing machine has many features that make life easier. Here is my favourite: I press a button and the sewing machine cuts the thread for me but also lifts up the presser foot automatically. Also, when you stop sewing and you give press the sewing pedal slightly, the needle remains in the fabric, but the presser foot is automatically raised, for easy pivoting of the work. All my dressmaking work is more precise and faster and there are plenty of other special features like these ones.

I AM Patterns - machine à coudre PFAFF Quilt Expression 4.2 avis I AM Patterns

I have not yet explored all the possibilities of this sewing machine, as there are so many, but I already love the many advantages it offers me: its speed, its reliability, its accuracy, its ease of use and it’s ideal to sew many layers of fabric.

I only regret one thing: not having bought it sooner!

Indeed, when you sew every week, the least you need is some efficient tools, with which you enjoy sewing. I really invite you to try it when you have the opportunity.

Happy sewing to all of you!